Although in reading this blog lately one might think that "Life with Lily and Anna" is all about the new house, that just 'aint so. Life with Noah, on the other hand, does revolve around the house. He is taking on the herculean task of building out the basement. By himself. At night and on the weekends. He single handedly has to try to keep up with the work crew of close to a dozen upstairs. Suffice it to say, I was on my own this weekend.
And since my life sometimes feels like a the girls and I went to one. And while the Nation's Capitol has one of the best zoos in the country -- and it's FREE! and we're MEMBERS! -- we chose to go to a little petting zoo in the burbs, the Reston Zoo. Because, you know, I so love to pay for activities when we could get them for free...
Anna wasn't super excited about getting up close and personal with the animals. Lily, on the other hand, couldn't get enough. In the car ride home she had a hard time choosing her favorite animal -- was it the baby pot bellied pig? or the baby goats? or the baby sheep? the super soft camel she got to pet? the bunnies? the turtles? Oh the decision was agonizing (for us all!).