Friday, September 28, 2007


For some reason (probably in the interest of population growth) people always warn you about the terrible twos, but what they don't tell you is that the terrible twos start around 16-18 months and, apparently, last until the 4th birthday.

Naively thinking that, with the big THIRD birthday nearly around the corner, this period of momentary insanity on Lily's behalf might be almost over...I'm now hearing grumblings that the threes are actually even worse than the twos.

Kill me now. Seriously.

Where did my charming little baby go? I see glimpses of her. In fact, many glimpses. She can totally knock your socks off when she tells you "you're the best mommy in the whole world" and "you make me so, so happy." (Clearly she's my child...has already learned the art of the schmooze!)

But we also have meltdowns. Many, many meltdowns. So many that Noah and I are going in for a "consultation" with her beloved pediatrician...the woman who can do no wrong in Lily's eyes (even though she's the one ordering SHOTS)....the woman who Lily says she wants to be "just like when I'm a grown-up." Bless her heart. Anyway, I'm hoping that Dr. Palmer will be able to give us some coping tips and techniques!

In the meantime, I thought you'd get a kick out of the latest drama to surface.

Morning drive time has, more often than not, recently turned in to screaming fits. Lily will turn her body in to a board, so try as you might it's nearly impossible to stuff her in to the car seat. She then sobs all the way in to the city -- she hates her school, she hates her friends, her friends are "yucky" and "old" (I mean, give me a break!).

Yesterday, though, I had to pick her up early so that we could make it to Arlington by 5 p.m.; I was dropping something incredibly time sensitive off for a client.

When I arrived at the Huck, they were talking about fall...what we eat in fall....and about to start assembling an apple pie. Yum.

Even though Lily got to take a quick turn at putting a few slices of apple in the bowl (soon to be greeted by cinnamon, sugar and butter), she was beyond devastated that we had to leave.

Yes, she's the kid who cried all the way to school yesterday, begging to come to my office, insinuating that I'm a monster for even dreaming of leaving her at school.

The same kid screamed all the way home -- "how could you do that mommy? But I didn't want to leave. I'm missing all the FUN!"

In the end, we devised our own fun. Not really interested in peeling and slicing a ton of apples, Lily and I baked a pumpkin pie. Which we then enjoyed for a less than traditional breakfast treat this morning. And I can assure you that after the emotional roller coaster Lily kept me captive on yesterday, I slept really, really well last night!

She is still, however, my "sweet angel darling."


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