Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do

If current obsessions are any indication of the future, Lily is going to be a computer programmer. Or developer. Or gamer. Yes, my four year old is OBSESSED with all things electronic. Especially computers.

Lily has a slew of Web sites, bookmarked in her own online folder. She knows how to navigate to them. Away from them. Through them. She can troubleshoot when problems arrise. She's a machine on the, well, machine.

Lily also protests loudly when we try to hop on the iMac. To do silly things. Like, you know, pay bills online. How dare we!!

Anna seems to be closely following in the computer-obsessed footsteps. We had a rare occurrence recently when she and I arrived home after "school" to find an still empty, and blissfully quiet, house. So what did Anna do? She ran, as fast as her toddler legs could carry her, over to the computer to snag it before her older sister resumed her throne.

I think that he was high from the experience. Mesmerized by the music of Little Orphan Annie. In awe of the fact that SHE actually got to sit perched on the kitchen stool!


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