Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stop the Presses...

I never thought that this day would come...I mean I knew it eventually would, but maybe in another decade...but it appears as if Lily is teetering on the edge of being potty trained. For a process that started more than one year ago, I'm deliriously thrilled!

She woke up yesterday morning and threw a fit when the pull-ups came out, insisting on wearing underpants. I practically started breakdancing but tried to play it cool with her -- sure. whatever you want, Lily. (inside I was doing back flips!)

Yes, she had two accidents at school yesterday, but she was dry when I arrived and stayed dry for the rest of the evening. I held my breath the entire way home in the car. It's one thing to throw sheets and clothes in to the washing machine...another thing entirely to have to get urine out of a car seat. But she managed to stay dry on the way home last night and again on the way in to school this morning. Miracle of all miracles!

We had a bonding moment last night when we baked brownies -- with sprinkles and gummy bears on top...chefs choice -- to bring in to school today. What better way to celebrate this major life moment than to down a little chocolate with your buddies?

Day 2 of "Operation Underwear" started off brilliantly. Today, Lily is the one breakdancing!


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