Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday Hiatus

With the intent of posting once a week, I realize that it has been over ONE MONTH since my last blog entry. Lest you think that nothing has happened in our "lives with Lily," I assure you that we've been so busy that I just haven't had time to blog.

Waiting for your viewing pleasure...on my digital camera...are Hanukkah photos, great shots of Lily's prized gingerbread house (or tree house if you ask her), and breathtaking pics from our holiday trip to Sedona/Grand Canyon/Scottsdale, AZ. If only I could now find the time to actually download them and then upload them.... I promise that it's at the top of my to do list!

As for Goldilocks, while I'm still holding my breath this pregnancy seems to have settled down. No "unexplained, abnormal bleeding during pregnancy" in a few weeks; Goldie is extremely active (loves to tap dance on my bladder!); and my stomach has officially "popped." (My work colleagues' reactions were fairly exaggerated when I came back to work yesterday, so I must be showing even more than I think!) I've passed the half-way point in the pregnancy. In fact, Sunday marks week 25 (in theory out of a 40 week pregnancy...but don't forget that Lily arrived on the scene at week 36). Yes, we're actually going to have another baby....ready or not!

Photos coming soon. I PROMISE! I also resolved that, in 2008, I will learn how to upload video to the blog so that you experience a tad bit of what we get to relish in every day. The good, the bad, the ugly and the hilarious.

In the meantime, a very Happy New Year. Hope your holiday season was a wonderful one, and all our best wishes for a fantastic year to come!


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