Monday, February 25, 2008


No "beauty school dropouts" in our family, but we do have a dance school dropout. Saturday mornings have gotten progressively more painful as I've tried get Lily to go to dance...and one we arrived she's been participating less and less. Of course, my energy levels have dropped in direct proportion to my growing girth, and after this past Saturday's dance drama I decided not to fight Lily on it any more.

Perhaps she'd do better in a class without parents (she does tend to behave MUCH better when I'm not around, although I'm not going to read the tea leaves on that one and try to interpret it....ignorance is bliss). Perhaps the tap shoes really do pinch her toes and give her a headache (I wouldn't blame her on that front...10 girls = 20 tap shoes = WAY too much noise!). Perhaps she's just too much of a free spirit to for such a structured activity.

Regardless, she's only three. It was supposed to be fun. When it turned in to a battle, we decided to let her hang up her leotard.

So no need to clear your calendar in early June for the recital. Perhaps next year. In the mean time, the NYC Ballet will have to wait!


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