Have you ever heard a three year old remark, "now that was one FANTASTIC party" as she headed out the door once the festivities had died down? While Lily has been to more than her fair share of fantastic parties, her friend Callie's Build-A-Bear Princess party seems to have taken the cake. Not only did the girls come decked in their favorite princess dresses, but each bear left dressed as one of the Disney princesses (the birthday girl's mother is a lobbyist for The Walt Disney Company). It was, indeed, a fantastic party!

Speaking of princesses, "Princess Lily" is in for the surprise of her life. Noah and I are taking her, this Thursday night, down to Orlando for her last hurrah trip before she becomes a big sister. We haven't told her about the trip, or our destination, for fear that a pregnancy complication might force us to cancel.
72 hours out, though, I'm complication-free (knocking on some very thick wood right now!) and the suitcases have been brought down from the attic. We have a different princess dress for her to wear each of the three days in the park; she gets to have lunch with the princesses on Saturday; and Saturday night we're going to a pirates and princess treasure hunt in the Magic Kingdom.
Our three days in Orlando might cost us as much as a week in Paris. Who cares. Talk about making dreams come true...Noah and I are having so much fun planning/anticipating this one because it really will fulfill a few of Lily's wildest dreams. Yahoo!!
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