Seven years and four months ago, Noah and I got married. It was exactly wedding that I wanted, complete with many of our favorite friends and family. The food was great, the band and dancing was even greater...it was an event of many memories. At the end of the reception, Noah's cousin Julia caught my bouquet.

Flowers were dripping from the trees in the forest!

Leon...the next groom and our soon-to-be brother-in-law!Two years and two months ago, Anna was born. Two and a half weeks early. After a few uneventful days, she and I checked out of the hospital. Noah and Lily drove us home, got us settled, and then they promptly left for the train station to head to New York. Yes, two years and two months ago, Noah's cousin Laura got married...three days after Anna was born. Lily was the flower girl, the wedding was stunning, and
I missed the big day.
Sara, Noah's sister, is our July bride!

Other than walking down the aisle, the weekend highlight for Lily
was driving the boat.

Last weekend it all came together. And while I'm still disappointed that I missed Laura and Daniel's wedding (and Lily's debut as a flower girl), I got to see the catcher of my bouquet, Julia, get married...and I got to see my girls walk down the aisle. Well, one of my girls. Anna wasn't exactly cooperative. But I guess that at two years and two months I should cut her some slack. And seeing Lily in the wedding party made up for (well, sort of) missing the wedding two years ago.
(PS -- remember the engagement?)
Two years and two months in to married life, cousin Laura was a hit with the kids.
Watch out J. Crew models, Anna and Lucas are moving in for the kill!

The setting at
Migis Lodge in southern Maine was breathtaking. The wedding was, simply, amazing. Julia and Andrew brought tears to everyone's eyes with their amazing vows. And my girls took my breath away with their flower girl cuteness.

The flowers were heavenly.

And although we spent 21 of our 72 hours away driving, we wouldn't have traded it for anything. Congratulations Julia and Andrew; thank you for allowing us to be a part of your very special weekend!