Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pomp and Circumstance

Well the time has come. I can now officially say I'm the mother of a graduate. Montessori preschool graduate, but a graduate nevertheless.

Lily's preschool career ended one week ago. It was a bittersweet day. One that I had looked forward to for a long, long time...but one that I was oddly sad to see as well. When asked if she was excited, Lily responded that yes she was. But she was also sad. When the day finally rolled around, I totally understood her mixed emotions.

Lily with her oldest friend in the world -- she and Katy have been classmates since they were 4 months old.

Lily and her first new Montessori BFF, Carley.

The actual ceremony was adorable. Lily was lucky enough to have 3 grandparents there. She practically got a standing ovation from the audience -- lots of hoots and hollers. The children sang some delightful songs, recited a few memorized poems (Lily actually memorized them last year when she overheard the junior kindergartners rehearsing...she has a CRAZY good memory and a ridiculous ability to pick things up quickly when it comes to musical lyrics or poems), and gave out lots of hugs to their teachers.

The graduate! (If you can't view the video, please click HERE.)

Lily and Ms. Deborah, her assistant teacher.

Lily and Ms. Jane, her Montessori "directress"

And so we close out yet another chapter in the short, but full, story of Lily with Lily. She's now practically the mayor of her summer camp -- leave it to my brave and outgoing daughter -- and getting very excited about kindergarten!

(If you can't view the video, please click HERE.)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Summer School

As we were winding down our Father's Day...and as I was beginning to gather the backpack full of "stuff" that is required on the first day of Camp (tomorrow!)...I looked in to the den of our rental home to find that summer school was in full swing.

Lily was the teacher. Anna -- along with a diverse assortment of stuffed animals and baby dolls -- the student. The lesson today was one part "Miss Manners," two parts wild animal discovery, and a few dashes of sibling love (my favorite part of the recipe!!).

Now if only I can get them to clean-up this schoolhouse mess before Noah gets home for his Father's Day dinner!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Magic of Migis (aka Julia & Andrew Get Married!)

Seven years and four months ago, Noah and I got married. It was exactly wedding that I wanted, complete with many of our favorite friends and family. The food was great, the band and dancing was even was an event of many memories. At the end of the reception, Noah's cousin Julia caught my bouquet.

Flowers were dripping from the trees in the forest!

Leon...the next groom and our soon-to-be brother-in-law!

Two years and two months ago, Anna was born. Two and a half weeks early. After a few uneventful days, she and I checked out of the hospital. Noah and Lily drove us home, got us settled, and then they promptly left for the train station to head to New York. Yes, two years and two months ago, Noah's cousin Laura got married...three days after Anna was born. Lily was the flower girl, the wedding was stunning, and I missed the big day.

Sara, Noah's sister, is our July bride!

Other than walking down the aisle, the weekend highlight for Lily
was driving the boat.

Last weekend it all came together. And while I'm still disappointed that I missed Laura and Daniel's wedding (and Lily's debut as a flower girl), I got to see the catcher of my bouquet, Julia, get married...and I got to see my girls walk down the aisle. Well, one of my girls. Anna wasn't exactly cooperative. But I guess that at two years and two months I should cut her some slack. And seeing Lily in the wedding party made up for (well, sort of) missing the wedding two years ago. (PS -- remember the engagement?)

Two years and two months in to married life, cousin Laura was a hit with the kids.

Watch out J. Crew models, Anna and Lucas are moving in for the kill!

The setting at Migis Lodge in southern Maine was breathtaking. The wedding was, simply, amazing. Julia and Andrew brought tears to everyone's eyes with their amazing vows. And my girls took my breath away with their flower girl cuteness.

The flowers were heavenly.

And although we spent 21 of our 72 hours away driving, we wouldn't have traded it for anything. Congratulations Julia and Andrew; thank you for allowing us to be a part of your very special weekend!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

So much has been much left to do!

June 29, 2010. That is the day we're scheduled to move back to our decidedly less humble abode. 24 days and counting. A TON has been done since I last posted photos. A TON remains left to do.

There are a few biggies on the list -- drill the geothermal wells; siding; figure out (and install, once and for all) the stonework; columns; kitchen, butler's pantry and bathroom counters; hardwood throughout the entire house; electrical hookup by our local provider; plumbing hookup... OK, so perhaps that's more than just a few biggies.

yes we ARE going geothermal...we just haven't quite gotten there yet.

And there's a bunch of small small things, too numerous and nit-picky to list. (Rest assured, though, that the type-A in me has made lists of my lists!)

But we're getting there. And I hope my husband/quality control/green consultant and LEED AP/basement finisher/how-in-the-world-is-he-still-standing...AKA MY HERO...makes it through in one piece. I know that he's hoping I don't lose my mind in the next 24 days. Jury's still deliberating that one.

Tomorrow the house will be on the Arlington Green Home Tour, which really just further emphasizes the amazing job Noah has done with the project!

Hopefully the next installment of photos will include a few of the "biggies." Until then, here's a camera dump...

Dining's pantry...welcome to part of the main floor (missing = library)!

The girls' slightly retro bathroom. Subway tiles on wall. Basketweave on floor. "Short" medicine cabinets so they can actually see themselves while they brush their teeth.

Master bathroom...the metamorphosis (still awaiting marble countertop and frameless glass for shower)

Jury's also still deliberating the stonework...although, at the time of this posting, there's active voting on Facebook! With mortar (the first two photos) vs. dry stack.

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