Hard to believe, but we made it to kindergarten! Lily is officially a Nottingham Knight.
I distinctly remember pieces of my kindergarten year. After all, it was during that time that I lost my first tooth...got a baby brother...and contracted my first (and sadly not last) case of head lice.
But for the life of me, I cannot remember my first day of kindergarten...
Fear not, I think that I relived that day today. I don't know who was more nervous, Lily or me. Thankfully we both survived. And when asked for her daily "rose" (best part of the day), without hesitation Lily's response was "Kindergarten, silly! The whole day!!"
(Let me pause for a BIG sigh of relief...)
Lily has a friend, Quinn, from her Montessori school who is in the kindergarten classroom next to hers. In that same classroom is her "best friend" from camp (a little girl whose name I had not heard until the kindergarten open house, mind you, yet she and Lily treat each other as if they were long lost loves). And when I picked Lily up tonight, she was surrounded by new friends. Surrounded. We even spotted her new teacher, Mrs. Toner, out on her evening walk, strolling past our house tonight!
After a nice dinner at home, followed by an ice cream outing to Baskin Robbins to celebrate this milestone, Lily collapsed. Apparently she had had enough of using good behavior. Her body hit empty and just let loose. Hey, I guess I can handle an outburst here and there in exchange for a pretty excellent day, over all.
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