We've been wanting to visit our friends Mariah and Steve in the great ATL for years now, so we decided to take advantage of this time off to plan our trip.
While "hot"lanta was actually pretty cold -- like snow flurries on our last day cold -- we had tons of fun and took full advantage of the relatively nice weather during our first two days. Lily claims the highlight of her trip was running through the fountains at Centennial Park. The highlight for me was seeing our friends and the "sea nettles" at the Georgia Aquarium, a truly amazing place. The highlight for Anna? You'd have to ask her. But just don't ask how she got her black eye; that wasn't a highlight for anyone. Noah's highlight? One word -- cupcakes; I'll try to post the video.
Apologies in advance for the deluge of pictures. Since we took more than 400, just count your blessings that I'm only posting a few dozen. And these "destinations" were just the highlights. Don't even get Lily started on the Center for Puppetry Arts, where we caught an Oregon-based production of Stellaluna (a favorite book in our house).
Stone Mountain Park
An "amusement" park of sorts, Stone Mountain Park -- about 35 minutes from the city of Atlanta -- boasts numerous attractions, including the world second largest rock. The first being Ayers Rock in Australia. Which I personally climbed. Twice. At dawn. So -- check, check -- I guess I can cross #1 and #2 off my list now. Although, technically, I cheated this time and rode the tram both up and back down.
Lily, who normally is afraid of heights and all things that are unstable, tackled the ropes course like a pro.
She even did the zip line!
Fountains in Centennial Olympic Park
Georgia Aquarium
The largest aquarium in the world, with more than 8 million gallons of water, this attraction really is spectacular. And extremely well organized. And, unlike our own aquarium in Baltimore, STROLLER FRIENDLY (what a concept!).
The coolest sea horse I've ever seen.
"Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea, you swim so wild and you swim so free..." (unless, of course, you live in an aquarium)
One of many rooms in which the fish swam over our heads.
Tunnel 'o fish...
...which included this whale shark (1 of 4 in there), shipped to the aquarium via UPS!
And my personal favorite, the Pacific Sea Nettles
Random Atlanta
Anna with Marco, one of Mariah and Steve's Chinese Crested dogs.
The staple of Anna's Atlanta diet -- french fries (I'm embarrassed to report...definitely a second child!).

Or a nice Cuban cigar, if you have a techie friend who loves photoshop!
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