Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hoppin Down the Bunny Trail

Along the same lines of our egg decorating and gingerbread making, this year we celebrated Easter. Sort of. Actually we celebrated the holiday of "looking for brightly colored plastic eggs, full 'o candy, in my cousin's backyard on a gorgeous Sunday." It's a new one. What? Haven't heard of it yet? Easter 1.0

Not only did I discover that Lily is GREAT at finding eggs, hid in the most unusual spots (think wheel well of a car), but I found out that my younger daughter is a bunny. Or at least she was dressed like one. Totally inadvertently.

And, as we were leaving my cousin's house, my blackberry buzzed with a new Facebook message titled "Easter Miracle." My old roommate -- the one who sang at my wedding and with whom I watched many an episode of Survivor...the one who is on TV ALL. THE. TIME. -- had come through with three of the hottest tickets in town. Yes, Ms. Savannah Guthrie, AKA the better looking of the NBC White House correspondents (my apologies to Chuck Todd), had tickets for me to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Easter 2.0

I stayed up until almost 1:30 a.m. Sunday night/Monday morning working on a client document so that I could actually sneak away to the White House on Easter Monday. Where we would wait in lines. And more lines. For almost 2 1/2 hours. But there were still many, many people who didn't get to wait in those lines. Who would have KILLED to wait in all those lines. As I said, it was the hottest ticket in town.

I got the work done, and we went to the famous -- and now famously crowded -- "public" event at the White House. Lily's favorite part was the commemorative wooden egg. You know...the one that can be ordered online (DON'T tell her that....she thinks she earned it for being so good in line). Next year, though, I think that I may just order the egg and skip the roll.

Easter 1.0

Baby Anna with Cousin Anna

Peeps were a big. fat. hit. But not as big as jellybeans. Yes, my 12 month old ate candy.

Easter 2.0

Mrs. Obama's new organic veggie garden. Yum-o!

Bribed to smile with promises of peeps.

Lily called my peep bluff and, afterwards, refused to be in any photos.

The. Famous. Egg.


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