Thursday, June 25, 2009

The BOYZ of Arlington

So I'm a few days (or weeks) late with this one. But it was too good not to post. Sadly, many of the stereotypes about Arlington are true. We are the town of luxury housing and, yes, there is a Starbucks on every corner (thankfully!). With two properties in the county, though, I'm supremely grateful that the business development efforts have been as successful as they've been. Taxes might be high, but so are property values!

And apparently the latest "thing" in the county is red-shirting. Or shall I say scarlet shirting. Because Arlingtonians are so competitive, they're holding back all children...even those eligible for kindergarten. And here I was worried that with an early November birthday, and at almost 6 when she'll start at the local elementary school, that Lily would be one of the oldest kids in her class. Apparently not.

By the time she reaches middle school, she and her friends will be able to walk themselves down the block for a latte before recess...while wearing their brown flip flops of course.


Anonymous said...

Oh Courtney, that's HILARIOUS!!

Love and a giggle, Sidney

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