Friday, July 24, 2009

Where's the Beef?

Wednesday night Noah had a late meeting, so I had the girls by myself. And since cooking is not exactly a hobby of mine, we headed to Elevation Burger for an organic grass-fed patty or two.

I sort of goofed though. Should have checked the lunch menu from Lily's school. For when I put the hamburger down in front of her, the look of utter disdain...and disappointment...was instantaneous. Hamburgers are not exactly a favorite of hers. And she'd had one for lunch that day. Oops!

I made up for it with the smoothie though. If ice cream is an ingredient, Lily could eat it morning, noon and night.

Anna was too busy licking the ketchup off her meal to notice much else. Turns out that my baby loves anything and everything tomato. Especially the Heinz version!


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