Somehow in the furry this fall of work, and work, the new house and, well, work, blogging has taken a major back burner.
Thanksgiving didn't make it online... It was fun. All three of our Thanksgivings that is. I'm sure that I have photos somewhere. Maybe. But take it from me, they were all fun. And highly caloric.
I feel like I blinked and it was the first night of Hanukkah. Thankfully we are Amazon Prime subscribers. Hanukkah sort of came at me out of no where, but with free two day shipping we were fully stocked when we lit the first candle on Friday night.
And because we're such great Jews, we hosted our annual gingerbread extravaganza -- far less blonde than last year, but oh so much fun. This was the second gingerbread house that Lily had decorated this year.
Fear not, there are three more gingerbread house kits in our pantry. Seems as if it's the perfect activity to do on cold, winter days. Perfect "art project" for Lily. Perfect snack for Anna. Yes, she's the catcher as candy falls towards the floor. Turns out that the baby has quite the sweet tooth. Wonder where that came from...
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