Sunday, May 2, 2010

A very special birthday

35 years (and a smidge) ago, my mother ended up at Sibley Hospital where she delivered yours truly. A day later, she ended up getting a roommate...a FABULOUS roommate. My mom had a Mary Virginia had a girl...Lisa. And even though they met in a hospital across town, it turned out that they lived blocks from each other on Capitol Hill. The rest is, well, history.

Fast forward a few decades...

History has a way of repeating itself I guess. Lisa now has two girls. I, of course, do too. Her older one, Lauren, is a Fall baby, as is Lily. Her younger one is a Spring chickie just like Anna.

Yesterday we celebrated little Claire's first birthday. The sun was shining. The entertainment was a plenty thanks to Oh Susannah. The moon bounce was in full swing. The kids were on cloud nine. It was a slightly surreal moment, though...looking down at our four little girls. I still can't believe we've come so far and, yet, not so very far at all.

Happy birthday sweet baby Claire Proctor. Thanks for including us in your wonderful celebration!


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