Monday, November 8, 2010

Six times three

It was like Groundhog Day. Only better. Because it was real. This year Lily got THREE birthday celebrations. After the whining demo she put on tonight, I think that she'd like three more...

Birthday Celebration #1

Lily's actual birthday fell on Election Day this year. The first time that has happened since the year she was born...

Election Day meant that public schools were closed, so off Lily went with Noah to the back-up daycare we're ever-so-grateful that his office provides. LUCKY for Lily, and for us, her new BFF from kindergarten was also there!! Yes, said BFF's mother works with Noah (yes,'s a small world afterall). I was able to sneak away from the office and joined Noah and the girls for a wonderful birthday lunch complete with brownie M&M sundaes for the girls. And then we had a family celebration that night complete with fancy cupcakes from a new cupcake treasure in DC -- Something Sweet -- and presents.

Birthday #2
Apparently birthdays are a really big deal in kindergarten. Or at least in Lily's kindergarten class. So on the day after her birthday, we were told to send in a treat for all 19 Pooh Bears. And because Wednesdays are early release days, the group celebration fell in the morning. After much strategizing, Lily chose donuts from one of her favorite Arlington establishments, Heidelberg Pastry Shoppe. Hey, my child has great taste!

And the day went on from there... Lily got to chose what "jobs" she wanted in the class that day (PS, she chose ALL of them!). They sang to her. They read to her. They celebrated her. And, not shockingly to those of you who know her...Lily loved every minute of it.

Birthday #3
Although she now claims that what she really wanted was a birthday party at the Zoo (ahem...I did remind here that "been there done that" at age 4!), the plans this year called for a "Mystical Unicorn" birthday. For those of you wondering, yes, some poor pony had to dress up like a unicorn...

And even though the early November weather has been gorgeous for every one of Lily's (indoor) birthday parties to date, I definitely did fret about it this year. When I asked the pony company what would happen if it rained...and when they suggested that they could DO THE PARTY INDOORS...well, my brand new hardwood floors and I started praying. It worked. The air was a bit chilly but the sun was out and the kids didn't mind. Everyone got to ride to their hearts content and then "decorate" the pony with glitter, feathers and stickers afterwards. Kind of heavenly if you're female and 6!

The real MVPs of the party, though, were MY MOM (who volunteered to help escort the kids on the pony rides...and if you had smelled this particular pony, you would know why she won the award!); MY FRIEND RACHEL (who, although she doesn't have any kids of her own yet, volunteered to help wrangle a dozen and a half pint sized party-goers and help them decorate their cupcakes...among the many hats she wore during the party); and the HANDFUL OF MOMS who stuck around and volunteered to help with the temporary unicorn tattoos...the pinata (that. would. not. break!)...unicorn coloring and the like.

Another successful birthday under our belts. And although my little birthday girl would like a few more celebrations, I'm pretty sure that she's delighted with the three she got.

Happy birthday to my sweet Lily Lewis!


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