A few weeks ago, late on a Friday afternoon, I got the call most parents dread. The call that starts with, "she's ok, but..." The call where in the background I can hear her screaming...while trying to focus on the words through the phone... "she was in an accident." An accident...
Luckily the call came just after I'd gotten a critical signature at work. A signature I thought I was going to have to wait until 6 p.m. to get. A signature that I could not have left without. But I got it. And then I got the call.
We all joke and tease that Lily's middle name should be "drama" because yes, oh yes, she's the one and only...original...DRAMA. QUEEN. (she is, afterall, my daughter...) But when I heard her pained and scared little voice through the phone, my mama instinct kicked in and I just knew. These were no crocodile tears. Whatever had happened, my baby had a broken arm.
After a miraculously quick visit to our local pediatric emergency room (LOVE FAIRFAX PED ER!!), Lily left with xrays on a CD...arm splinted and in a sling...and a new appreciation for just how easy it is to get hurt. Poor kiddo.
It's hard to believe that that was so long ago she's now in a brace. With only one and a half weeks left of that! The cast came off a few days early thanks to "an incident" (that involved...um...water...don't ask). Thank goodness. It smelled. Pee-you GROSS!
Lily is well on the road to recovery, I'm happy to say. And we've all upped our calcium intake hoping to prevent a repeat experience any time soon!
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