Sunday, September 6, 2009

Trip Trifecta

To round out our trio of trips during the month of August, and to visit our friends and family in the Bluegrass State, the girls and I flew out to Lexington, KY on the heels of the Roseola was a game day decision as to whether or not Anna would be healthy enough to go, but in the end our plans were green-lighted and we hit the friendly skies.

Two children.

One parent.

Not a ratio that I would necessarily recommend for the faint at heart. Especially when the return trip required a change of planes en-route. Two take-offs + two landings + two VERY cranky kids = total disaster!

But we had a WONDERFUL time in Kentucky. We got to meet our two newest cousins (of the dog variety), Zuzu and Tootie, and see my two aunts and lots of friends to boot. I may have to put my kids in straight jackets the next time that we go, but, LAP, I promise that we'll be back!!

Anna with her newest cousin, 4 month old baby Tootie!

Fun times at Boyd's, an awesome orchard complete with an AMAZING playground!

Anna making sure that no one was going to try to take her precious peach smoothie away!

Lily trekking to the top of the monster slide. All was great until the final run, which ended in a wipe-out and a mean case of plastic "burn" on her arm. Buh-mer! Hey, it's not a party until someone cries. Right?!?

Lily's new Fancy Nancy doll!

Anna taking a splash in Lois Anne's fancy claw foot tub!


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