Monday, September 7, 2009

Where's Waldo?

This past week Lily attended the back-up daycare at Noah's office since her camp had ended but school had yet to begin (that's tomorrow!). While this center is an amazing benefit that we greatly appreciate, the one downside is that it closes for lunch. Every day. No, they don't take infants less than 6 months old and, apparently, they don't do food. Well real food that is. I recently found out that Lily had eaten her first pop tart there. Way to go with healthy snack food!

Although Lily has attended this center, on and off, for the past few years, she's never been there for one solid week. Thankfully she loved it!

Each day she and Noah would email me a photo of them at lunch with a "Where Today?" subject line. I had to guess. It turned in to a fun adventure for all of us!

Can you guess?

Tuesday: Open City

Wednesday: Cactus Cantina

Thursday: McDonald's (yuck -- yet, not surprisingly, the "restaurant" where they ran in to the most other parents/kids on lunch break from the back-up daycare center)

Friday: Two Amys

Considering the scarcity of restaurant options in Noah's work neighborhood, I think that they did great. No repeats, and they kept me on my toes all week!


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