Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fright Night, the Finale

Although it rained tonight... and although we had more than our fair share of meltdowns tonight... we did make it out. With our cousins. And the girls did have a blast.

Biggest surprise of the evening: Anna. She was a machine. She VERY quickly caught on to the concept, and boy did she keep up with Lily and big cousin, Camilla. Her basket of treats might have outweighed the older girls' by the time we got back from Trick 'or Treating. I don't know if it was the costume, or those big blue eyes, or the totally adorable "ta too" (her version of thank you) that followed every deposit of sugar into her basket. Somehow, though, Anna scored the most treats tonight. And even though her ghost weighed a ton (esp. in proportion to her body), she wouldn't let us carry it. And she insisted on walking. An entrepreneur in the making!


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