Thursday, October 8, 2009

Monkey Mania

Dear Internet --

I am so, so sorry that I've seemingly abandoned you. You're not alone. Apparently Lily was feeling a little dissed too. See, between my new job, finding a rental house, packing up our current house, and trying to finalize new house plans, I have apparently let a few things slip.

A few friends have emailed their complaints. "The blog it static!" they say. Since I'm the queen complainer when others don't update their blogs regularly, my tail has been between my legs.

Lily has been even less subtle. In no uncertain terms she told me that I would be driving her to school today (I normally take Anna). And then when we got there, she dragged her feet and whimpered about not wanting me to leave.

In other words, she broke my heart.

So I decided that we'd have a mother-daughter-dinner-date tonight. And just to really stick it to me, she close a little Mexican restaurant close to our house. The restaurant that she knows I'm totally sick of...but that she totally loves.

She did treat me to a little monkey bar performance when I picked her up at school. Thanks to the handy blackberry video camera, I was able to capture it to share with you too. Yes, kill two birds with one stone...have some much needed one on one time with my elder daughter AND get a little blog fodder to boot.

So enjoy my little money. I did tonight. Truly.


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