I know, I know, I know... What can I say, but I'm a sucker for certain holidays. Not the religious side of them. But the traditions. And Easter is one of those that I just can't pass up. So we celebrated it. Twice.
First with our neighbors on Saturday, when the weather was supposed to be nice...

At not quite two, Anna has a serious chocolate addiction. Perhaps that's why potty training is going so darn well...
Although she still hates group photos. Darn baby!
Lily, on the other hand, accepts brides quite nicely!
And then with our cousins on Sunday, when the weather couldn't have been more perfect.

Can you believe I have a child with such (relatively) straight hair? I'm hoping that her curls will come back, as did mine, when she hits puberty.

Yes, my diet started today. Seriously.
Attempting to take a nice cousins photo (we were sad to miss you in the photo, Miranda!) until I realized...
...that little Anna was picking her nose while sucking her thumb!
And then the rest of the group figured it out too...big Anna (the bride to be) tried to prevent little Anna from doing something G.R.O.S.S.! The attempt was largely in vain.
That devil baby...!!
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