Saturday, April 24, 2010

Plain old fun

I have two aunts who have said on many occassions, "a dirty child is sign of a child who has had a lot of fun."

To that I say, fun is good but I. HATE. DIRT.

I know, I know, dirt and kids go hand in hand. It was one of the hardest things for me to reconcile when I became a parent. For the most part I have come to terms with it. With just a few exceptions, that is. Playdough, which is totally banned from my house, and sand, which seems to be in every nook and cranny (and between each of the girls' toes at night) at my house.


A dear high school friend of mine -- yes, we've now officially been friends for more than half our lives! -- came over last weekend with her son. Justin has been closely following the house project via the blog and Facebook, so we thought it would be fun for him to see it in person. Afterwards we took the kids across the street to the park where they immediately snubbed the amazing slides, jungle gyms and swings in favor guessed it....SAND.

Do you know how hard it was for me to bite my tongue and just let them roll around in the sand? Fear not... I DID bite my tongue, and they did have tons of fun!


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