Monday, April 12, 2010

Totally (but not yet terribly) two

I just don't even know what to say. Look at those eyes. The curls. That sweet, sweet little girl...

She's wonderfully loving, fiercely independent. She's feisty yet sensitive. She silly and serious...and sometimes, esp. when she pretends to fall asleep (even mid-bite), she's seriously silly.

She speaks English and Spanish. She's a dancer. She's a runner. And boy oh boy she's a screamer. She's practically potty trained -- yee ha!

She loves her thumb. And her silky "la la" blanket. She loves her "Tru-ee" (Truman). She adores -- she idolizes -- her Lily.

She's her own little person. She's wonderfully Anna. She's also my baby, for which I'm so grateful. It's hard to remember our family without her in it.

Saturday she turned two. And yesterday we celebrated. Family. Friends. Lots of friends. Together we cheered for our dear, sweet Anna.

It's still hard to believe that it's been two years... Happy birthday Anna Lake!!

We had a major Yo Gabba Gabba party, complete with DJ Lance Rock (you know, the tall white Jewish version!)

The very handsome Will (aka Willie), beau #1 from school.

Lauren sporting her Foofa headband -- you too can get your own if you go see Yo Gabba Gabba Live!

Beau #2 from school (one for each arm!), Ryan

I swear we didn't plan on having a very yellow day...

MY birthday buddy -- 35 years later!

If Peter and Anna married...holy blue eyed babies!

Will 1, Cupcake 0

She may be little, but boy can Claire-bear party!!

Brobee headbands -- thanks Aunt Sara!!

There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy...

Our sweet Caroline -- next one in line to turn two!

Three of the six GWU MBA "babies"...


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