From her slightly early and ill-timed arrival on April 10, 2008...
To the first birthday surrounded by LOTS of friends and family...
To the second birthday, where she started to get the hang of this birthday thing (and her party persona began to emerge)...
To April 10, 2011. 36 months in to our Anna adventure...
The many faces of Anna...
She's sweet but sassy. Timid at times but vivacious once she gets going. Kind-hearted but, occasionally, wicked (and watch out for her right hook!). Super, super silly. Crazy, CRAZY smart. Athletic. Precocious, but in a way that's totally different from that of her big sister. Bilingual and, now, the family translator. Next dancing with the stars champion -- unlike me, she's got rhythm. Darling. Charming. Coy.
I spent the first few months of her life comparing her to Lily (cardinal sin according to the parenting books!). Did they look alike? (no) Did they act alike? (no) Were they going to follow the same path? (no)
Anna is her own person...
But most of all, she's a love. And she's three. My baby is no longer a baby. I can't wait to see who she grows up to be.
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