The last week has seen a number of firsts for us. The only "bummer" has been Anna's first cold; I'll spare you that one (although please empathize with me as I've slept sitting up for the last 3 nights because it's the only position that allows her to breathe...sort of).
Anna and I had our first PACE meeting yesterday, a mom's support group (this one for second time moms). I loved getting to meet other moms with babies the same age as Anna...hear their stories...and brainstorm with them about survival techniques (because, at this stage, I'm convinced that it is all about survival).
Anna took her first trip to the zoo last Friday night when we went for the annual Guppy Gala. Lily got to experience her first dinosaur (and her 100th face paint).

The girls took their first bath together. Yes, I do believe that Anna was as scared as she looks in the photo. Let's just say that Lily LOVES to splash in the tub. Anna got her first pimples; hopefully they'll be the last.

And Lily and Anna went to their first Fancy Nancy (GREAT book for all those who have never heard of Fancy Nancy) party at a local toy store. Lily was vvvveeeerrrryyyy fancy; oh la la!!

Just goes to show how different things are the second time around. I'm not sure that we had really ventured beyond the pediatrician's office and the lactation consultant at this point with Lily....Anna is already the belle of the ball!
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