Monday, May 19, 2008

Mealtime at the Zoo

As smart as Lily is (yes, I am biased...but others have said it too!), she seems to have amnesia most days and cannot remember (a) what she did at school (b) with whom she did it and (c) what she ate for lunch and/or snack (usually tells me that she just didn't eat).

So imagine my shock when earlier tonight, for the first time EVER, she started rattling off today's menu.

"Mommy, do you know what I ate for lunch? Cheese, salad with dressing, ice cold leche and something that starts with "pah"...can you guess?"

"Pasta?" I responded.

"That's right, Mommy! You're so smart in your brain!"

Lordy she cracks me up. She also told me tonight that she and Nettie (my mom) were going to "party it up" (and I do quote -- can't make this stuff up) tomorrow night. Because, of course, you know, they're party girls.

Clearly her sense of humor comes from Noah; wish I could take credit, but her wit far exceeds mine...even at three. And her sense of adventure comes from my mom...skipped over me and went straight to her.


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