Transformations in our house are nothing short of amazing these days.
Sweet Anna, who is still fighting off her first cold, weighed in at a WHOPPING 10 pounds 14 ounces at 5 weeks 1 day (for those of you who are counting, she's essentially gained 4 pounds in 5 weeks -- and every one of my arm muscles feels the weight gain intensely!) and has almost lost her newborn-sounding cry. As quickly as Lily grew at this age, I think that Anna is even outpacing her big sister.

Having now spent 5 weeks gazing at Anna morning, noon, and night, I think that she and Lily may share some characteristics (same nose, similar mouths) but I've come to think that Anna looks nothing like Lily did as a newborn.
And Lily, who we always joke is 3 going on 16, has now convinced me that she's really 3 going on 30. Noah and I have been taking the most amazing parenting workshop for the last 2 weeks (2 more to go and then, hopefully, we won't totally screw our kids up!). First week was about "I" statements vs. "you" statements and displaying empathy (marriage counseling 101). Second week was about alternatives to "no" and choices.

Lily, who must be taking the course behind our backs, is now using all the new techniques ON US! From "I'm feeling sad and frustrated today, Mommy and Daddy, so I don't think I should go to school" to "Mommy, do you want to put your shoes on in here or over there," Lily's got our new strategy pegged. Once again, she's one step ahead of us!

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