Ok, so it's totally cliche, but it really does seem like just yesterday that Anna was born. I can't believe she's already 6 weeks old. I can't believe that I only have 10 weeks of maternity leave left. I'm trying to live in the present (not the future) and enjoy the time that I do have.

What struck me most seeing Anna next to Austin yesterday was how much she's grown (and grown up) in the last 6 weeks. She's looking more and more like a big, fat happy baby and less and less like a newborn. I got my first smile -- not a gassy or dreamy smile but a whole-face-ear-to-ear-grin because she recognized me. Makes all those early morning feedings that much more worthwhile!
I'm not sure that we can yet tell what her little personality will be like, but she seems pretty easygoing. Feed her. Burp her. Change her. She's happy.

At my 6 week post partum OB appointment, the office gave us a little gift that Anna is wearing in these pics. Even though both my nurse and doctor almost missed the delivery, Dr. Crowther made it just in the nick of time and certainly did deliver!

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