It's New Year's Eve 2008, and I have yet to post about so much that happened in the last few weeks of December -- Lily's school holiday concert (a treat for your ears! um, sort of), Anna's daycare transition, our trip to Vermont, and Lily's trip to the ER among others.
But for tonight I'm going to live in the moment and focus on the commemoration "du jour."
We were supposed to be in transit from New Hampshire to DC, via a stopover in NJ to see our old neighbors and break up the drive home. But dog sitting issues and viruses too numerous to mention sent us packing days early -- it took us about 12 hours to get from Vermont back home, with me squeezed in between the two car seats in the back for much of that trip -- so we're improvising this New Year's Eve.
Noah cooked a yummy dinner, complete with a few frosty mojitos. It's now 9:20 and Anna's sound asleep, wheezing away in her bedroom; Noah is slumbering on the couch*; Lily is practically propping her eyelids open so that she can watch Wall-E, a New Year's Eve treat (the bedtime breakage that is); and amazingly I'm the most awake person in my house, blogging away on my new blogging-dedicated laptop, fooling around with my new HD Flip video camera (Noah wins the Hanukkah award!). Honestly, I'm normally the one who falls asleep on the couch first...THIS is something new!
Earlier I asked Lily about the holiday. I give you her, in her own words (please don't laugh too hard at my croaking voice...I'm recovering from laryngitis).
And early in the new year I do promise to make sure you're caught up on the tail end of last year. The cliff's notes version -- we had tons of (mostly good) adventures last year and can say, without hesitation, that it was a fantastic year. We were blessed with Anna's arrival and, as our holiday card display demonstrates, many, many wonderful friends.
Can you find yours? Even more have arrived since I took this picture, and if Lily has anything to do with it, we might never take the cards down.
Here's hoping that your New Year's Eve is a bit more rockin' than ours. Best wishes from the four of us for much love, laughter, secure jobs and good health in 2009!

Not the best photo of us...Anna looks stoned and Noah and I both look like we need a drink...but the ONLY photo of the four of us.
*Rest assured that I'm not going to spend my New Year's alone. Noah has since woken up (it's not 10:27) although my eyelids are starting to feel heavy... I'm going to try my best to make it to midnight. I'm 33 not 83 afterall!
you look pretty in this picture Courtney! Happy New Year!!!
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