So often I'm the one behind the camera that photos of me with the kids are few and far between. Of course, that's 100% fine with me. Between the grey hair, circles under my eyes, and extra 15+ pounds, I don't feel super compelled to document myself right now.
But my mother was over for her birthday weekend before last, and she insisted on taking a pictures of the three of us. You know mothers... We love to "insist" (read: demand) until the tables are turned. It was her birthday though, so I had to say yes. As much as it killed me. And it did.
Anyway, I do exist. In written words and in photos.
I've since gotten 2 inches chopped off my hair as well as a LONG overdue color "refresher." A year ago I had to ditch the highlights in favor of an all-over color treatment to camouflage the large and very noticeable grey streaks that shoot forth from each of my temples. It's complete injustice when, at 33, you have far more grey hair than your own mother!
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