Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dinnertime at the Zoo

I'm constantly amazed by Anna's RAPID progression (far too rapid if you ask me) through the baby stages. I'm sure this is common for younger siblings. I mean, Lily only had two grown-ups to learn from so it took all of 12 months to potty train her. But Anna...well she has a four year old to learn from, so she's hitting milestone after milestone before I can even blog about it!

The latest in our world is food. Real food that is. While we still have to be extremely careful about foods in an attempt to outsmart those evil allergy devils that are lurking, Anna is allowed to partake in much of what we're eating ourselves these days.

Is she happy about her transition from jarred purees to finger food? Y.E.S. Yes, yes, yes!

In fact, it's really the only thing that quiets our very talkative (and LOUD) baby. I've never seen someone enjoy herself so much.

Tonight's menu -- orzo and roasted chicken. I had more fun watching her than I did eating myself.


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