Back before you got married -- if you're married -- when you were dating someone, did you ever wonder what your life would be like if you two ended up together? Where would you live? What would your kids look like? Come on...admit it. Who DIDN'T wonder that!
Well I need wonder no longer. For today, when I took Anna to the pediatrician's for her 9 month appointment, I saw my ex-boyfriend. Only he was a she. In bobby socks and patent leather mary janes. And she was about two years old. Honestly, it was one of the weirdest experiences I have had lately...heck, ever.
When I signed in for our appointment -- early, hoping that they would take me early (as if!) because I had a critical client conference call exactly 50 minutes after Anna's appointment was set to begin thatI had to BE HOME for -- I noticed a familiar name in the parent column on the sign-in sheet. And while I won't divulge the name on this blog, it's not exactly "Jennifer Smith" or "Sarah Jones" or something leaning towards more common. It's not impossible that more than one person exists with this combination of first name and last, but the likelihood that there are two of them in the DC metro area isn't great. I would say that the likelihood is in the low single digits.
While I do know her name, I have never met the woman who married my ex. Thankfully. Because this means that I haven't seen him in ages. And that's a good thing. I had no idea if I was sitting next to her, would pass her in the hall, or would miss her entirely. But when I saw the little girl, there was no mistaking it. Totally biazrro; she looks exactly like her father. Hands down -- a thousand times over -- my kids knock the bobby socks off of her. Is that too awful to admit out loud? My kids are WAY cuter than his!
Well I need wonder no longer. For today, when I took Anna to the pediatrician's for her 9 month appointment, I saw my ex-boyfriend. Only he was a she. In bobby socks and patent leather mary janes. And she was about two years old. Honestly, it was one of the weirdest experiences I have had lately...heck, ever.
When I signed in for our appointment -- early, hoping that they would take me early (as if!) because I had a critical client conference call exactly 50 minutes after Anna's appointment was set to begin thatI had to BE HOME for -- I noticed a familiar name in the parent column on the sign-in sheet. And while I won't divulge the name on this blog, it's not exactly "Jennifer Smith" or "Sarah Jones" or something leaning towards more common. It's not impossible that more than one person exists with this combination of first name and last, but the likelihood that there are two of them in the DC metro area isn't great. I would say that the likelihood is in the low single digits.
While I do know her name, I have never met the woman who married my ex. Thankfully. Because this means that I haven't seen him in ages. And that's a good thing. I had no idea if I was sitting next to her, would pass her in the hall, or would miss her entirely. But when I saw the little girl, there was no mistaking it. Totally biazrro; she looks exactly like her father. Hands down -- a thousand times over -- my kids knock the bobby socks off of her. Is that too awful to admit out loud? My kids are WAY cuter than his!
After recovering from this bizarre encounter, I made it through the appointment AND made it home in time to call my client while sitting in front of my computer. With about 12 seconds to spare. Poor Anna had to play in her crib -- with the bedroom door closed so as to muffle any cries that could potentially (and did) erupt -- while I was talking to a pretty important executive from a very big company about incredibly complicated and technical things. What a day.
And to round out the bizarreness, I was floored when they put Anna on the scale today. While her weigh-ins have been nearly identical to Lily's to date -- except for their birth weights, but they only differed by 3 ounces -- Anna weighed in today at 20 pounds 1 ounce and measured 29 inches. Lily, on the other hand, rocked the scales at 23 pounds 1 ounce, and only 27 3/4 inches, at her nine month appointment. Anna is long and "lean," at least by Israel baby standards!

Anna @ 9 months (thankfully her nose is a bit better today -- this picture, though, is from her 9 month "birthday")

Lily @ 9 months -- my rolly polly baby
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