It's official. Our hard drive is dead. May it rest in peace.
The Mac store gave us two options -- (1) they put in a new hard drive (still covered under warranty) and we're back in business immediately or (2) we send our hard drive off somewhere, pay to have all the files extracted (hopefully...I'm not even allowing myself to think about the "what if..."), and then bring the computer back for a new hard drive once that's complete.
Considering I have photos of both my kids, from the delivery room through to today, locked inside this blasted machine...well, option 2 really was the only one I could consider.
But it means that it's going to be some time before we're up and running again. We're still without a home computer. I still have no access to all my photos, except those that I'd actually uploaded to shutterfly before the melt-down occurred. And I still haven't made the final determination if I'm going to have a nervous breakdown over this one. I guess it'll depend on what/how much from the drive can't be recovered. Please pray for me!
Since distractions are the name of the game with Lily these d

ays, I'm trying to provide myself with distractions to keep my mind off of the computer "issue." So I'll attempt to take a lesson from Disney's Lion King story;
Hakuna Matata, after all, means
No Worries! Last weekend, in the midst of Lily's coxsackievirus drama, we took her to the Kennedy Center to see the Broadway production of The Lion King. Talk about living on the edge and taking chances.
1. She's only 3 (and 3/4) after all, and the show has a running time of almost 3 hours.
2. While the music and costumes are absolutely out of this world, there are also, well, um, very scary parts too.
3. If we had to bail, tickets were $90 each.
4. And, oh right, she was still walking around with her tongue hanging out of her mouth...not pain...and hopefully not too terribly contagious anymore. She hadn't been out of the house in 3 days, and we almost landed in the hospital for an IV of fluids the night before.

We made it to the show, though, and it was as magical as I had remembered from the tour's stop in Baltimore 3 years ago.
Our seats were amazing!! (Thank you Jessica!)
The cast was UNBELIEVABLE.
The costumes blew my mind.
Lily was totally captivated. So were we all. As much pain as she was in, sitting through the 3 hours of singing and dancing wasn't an issue at all; she probably would have sat for longer if they had kept on going.
I have pictures of Miss Lily from her first major musical performance. They are, of course, now trapped on my camera. With nowhere to go. Uugh, not having our computer is killing me. Can you tell? So enjoy a few pix that were "borrowed" from Google images.
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