I started the tradition of writing letters when Anna hit the big oh-three (months), and far be it from me to do something for one and not for the other.
Congratulations, my love, on finally reaching the ripe old age of three and three-quarters. You've been telling people that you're 3 3/4 for the past 6 weeks. Now it's finally true. We're on the downward slope towards four. And since our very wise Loly told me, when you were about 11 months old, that the terrible two's start at 1 and end at 4, I'm hoping that your upcoming birthday is a sign that great things are in store for us all!

A quick recap, for the record. At 15 months you started throwing fits on the floor, always glancing up to make sure your audience was still paying attention. At 2 1/2 you started talking back, saying no frequently, and you learned the art of whining (oh my aching head!). At 3 you started throwing fits at bedtime, and by 3 1/2 you were perfecting nuclear meltdowns, with some night terrors thrown in for good measure. It breaks our hearts, sweet Lily, to see you struggle like that (although I've got to say that I secretly laughed when you told me that we were ruining your life -- oy vey!). I know that this is just a phase, but I hope it's one we cycle through quickly.
Of course, in-between meltdowns and mishaps is your stead-fast heart of gold. I wish that I could bottle your energy, your kindness, your wit, your sense of curiosity and generosity. I often find myself bragging about you, Lily, telling people how verbal you are, how intuitive you are, and how loving you are. But words really cannot adequately describe the amazing little person you have become. You are beautiful inside and out. I think you're really quite remarkable, and I am the proudest mamma alive because you're mine.

You make me melt, Lily, when you tell me that if you didn't have parents you'd pick us to be yours. You make me laugh when you fire off your many, many one liners -- current ones include "I'm not a big fan of the color orange..or bagels...or bedtime." and "Fire it down, Daddy!" You make my heart ache when I see how much you love your sister. You make me proud when I see how kind you are to people, no matter who they are or what their lot in life (your current favorite is Mr. Charles, one of the parking garage attendants in your building). Of course, you can also frustrate me to no end, but you've always been a person of extreme emotions ever since you were born. While that may be frustrating at times now, I know it's that passion that will make you incredibly successful in life. You asked me recently, Lily, when you will be famous. Well, my dear, I don't know when or for what, but I have zero doubt that you will be famous in this lifetime!
So keep it up, Lily. Know that you make your Daddy and me so proud; you make us want to be better people. We love you Lily.
PS -- You're in bed right now, complaining loudly about being there. I just went in to check on you, telling you that I was sad about going back to work and that I just wanted to have "Girl's Days" every day. Your response? You said that it wasn't appropriate to stay home all the time and if you missed too much school you'd become "unsmart." Uugh, Lily. You always know just what to say to make me laugh!
(an original song, by Lily, about exercising in "the shack")
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