Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's 5:00 somewhere, right?

Perhaps there's a full moon on the horizon. Perhaps my exhaustion is just catching up with me. But when I realized, half way to the Huck last night that I'd forgotten THE CUPCAKES at my office, I should have known that I was in for a spell of bad luck.

So for all you moms out there who have periods when you feel like nothing can go right and you just want to hide under the covers....well, you're not alone.

Perhaps you'll feel better about your own situations when you read about the last 16 hours of my life.

Yes, I did forget the cupcakes in my mini-fridge at work. I realized about half way to the Huck when my hands felt strangely empty. For a nano-second I debated just leaving them, but the thought quickly passed and I ran (yes, ran...in heels) back to the office.

Upon arriving at the Huck, I handed over Lily's snack of pretzel goldfish (which, if you're 3 3/4, you think that these are far superior to their orange cousins). While trying to take the top off of the tupperware container, she dropped them, they all went flying and ended up on the floor. Major crying ensued. I almost let her eat them off the floor. Almost, but not quite.

We made it home, in one piece, only to discover the world's largest moving van in our cul-de-sac. Even though we knew this was on the horizon, it took us all by surprise that our favorite neighbors were leaving today. Jamie -- you'd better take care of them up in NJ!!

As soon as we got in to the house, and I had a second to thumb through the mail, Anna started making a weird noise. No sooner did I look at her, held in my arms, than she started throwing up. Regurgitated milk started coming out of her mouth and nose. And she started turning purple. Milk was coming from everywhere and going everywhere...there was a trail of it from the pile of mail in the dining room to the kitchen sink. And, of course, our housekeeper had been there that day so the floors had been sparkling clean.

Then, when taking Lily's dress off to get her ready for her shower, we discovered no less than 2 dozen red dots on her back and legs. While rationally I knew that they had to be mosquito bites, I panicked for a second and thought they were chicken pox. I raced to the computer to Google something....anything....only to discover an empty desk. Right, we have no computer right now; how could I forget. Upon booting my work laptop up, I discovered that there's some new firewall that's been installed and I can't get it to connect with our wireless internet. Uugh!

I got Anna to sleep and immediately had to race out to Babies R Us to buy a new bulb aspirator. Poor baby. She's probably going to start having nightmares about things being jammed up her nose and junk sucked out. But with her not sleeping well because of congestion, I needed to have a few extra on hand. I got to Babies R Us approximately 3 minutes before the store closed. After cooking a delicious salmon dinner, Noah had to cancel his Monday night workout so that he could handle Lily (shower, book, bed, etc...never as simple as it sounds) while I ran my errand; how do single parents do it?

Thanks to the above mentioned congestion, Anna woke up at 4:45 a.m. today because she couldn't breathe. Somehow in the midst of pre-dawn nose sucking and subsequent early morning snack (for her), we both fell asleep in my bed and didn't wake up until NOAH'S alarm clock when off at 7 a.m. Damn! I must have turned the alarm off in my sleep. Maybe Anna did. But I was off to the races the second my eyes opened; the day had just begun and already I was 30 minutes behind schedule. What an awful way to start the day. And it's only Tuesday!

Thanks to a handy protein bar, Lily's favorite breakfast selection (one that we probably shouldn't allow her to eat, but when you need your child to eat on the go.....well, today she was allowed one), we were actually in the car on time.

I backed out of the driveway, for the first time, and realized that I'd forgotten my pony tail holder. Considering my hair is 4 weeks overdue for a cut and color (a whole other story), said pony tail holder is critical. Raced back in to the house, grabbed the holder, and got back in the car.

As I was backing out of the driveway, for the second time, I realized that I had forgotten the bulb aspirator....the one that I had bought last night...the whole reason why I made the late night Babies R Us run. Damn, damn! I raced back in to the house, grabbed it and got back in the car.

OK, so now I was breathing a small sigh of relief. We were in the car. No one was crying. There was no traffic in sight. Bad luck turning around? Ha, not mine!

When I pulled in to the garage at 20th and M streets, I looked over at the passenger seat in my car to discover it empty. ANNA'S BOTTLES. Shit! Where were they? On the kitchen counter, of course. OK, go ahead and laugh...

So, yes, I had finally forgotten the bottles; I knew it would happen at some point. Noah (to the rescue once again) hadn't left the house and agreed to bring them to school...after I promised to stop swearing in front of the kids.

Of course, the icing on the cake is that Anna's 4 month check up is today. Her first appointment with our beloved Dr. Emily Palmer...who just returned from maternity leave herself (and I'm so dying to see her and catch up!). Emily's third child, Ann, is 2 days older than Anna. This appointment has been on the calendar for 2 months. And, at 6 p.m. last night, I got an email telling me that I have to be in an important meeting. A meeting that I cannot miss. It is, of course, at the exact same time as Anna's appointment.

I spent 45 minutes last night typing a note to Dr. Palmer...listing all of Anna's brilliant developmental milestones....and itemizing all of the 12 zillion questions that I have. Noah, as he has taken to do, will likely just hand the note over (they're used to my system of communicating). Emily will likely write all the answers on my note and hand it back.

At least I didn't spill my latte on myself while walking to work.

Here's hoping that the next 16 hours are better than the last. At least I got to eat those cupcakes last night! They're SO good. CRAZY good. If you're local, I'd highly recommend indulging yourself. Just one piece of advice -- get there when they open (10 a.m.) for the best selection...and don't ever walk out the door without your baby's bottles!


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