Sadly for me...and, in turn for you...our home iMac computer is in the critical care department at our local Mac store. Not sure what happened to it, but the other night it started making a weird clicking sound and, suddenly, died.
Perhaps it's the thousands of supremely high resolution (read LARGE files) photos that live on the hard drive. Perhaps it's the 3 year old (oh right, 3 3/4 year old) hacker who has taken a strong and sudden interest in the computer (she has found files and applications on the computer that I didn't know existed....while she's supposed to be "playing" on PBS Sprout online). Perhaps we just never fully appreciated all the Mac-ness that the computer has to offer (I'm still, at heart, a PC girl), so it declared us "not worthy" and just shut down.
Who knows, but if the guys behind the Genius Bar aren't genius enough to fix it, I will be in the one who will need to be put on life support.... Oh, the thought of losing all my precious photos makes me break out in hives!!
So, unable to access my recent photos of the girls -- the illustrations for my blog narrations -- I find myself in blogger purgatory. Awful limbo. I mean, what's a girl to do when she can't hop online and blog at night??? I'm in withdrawal and need a fix!
A few hours before the electronic meltdown, I happened to upload a few photos to shutterfly. So, thanks to the world wide web, and an email I just got from my cousin, I bring you some snapshots of the four cutest girls in all of Arlington...a little something to tide you over.

Lily and Anna -- on horseback -- I'm probably the only mother alive who would put a 4 month old on top of a horse (perhaps the reason for her very concerned expression). All in the name of photography!
Camilla and Caroline -- could they be any cuter?
LOVE that picture of those 2! Anna looks so serious on that horse. What a cutie!!!
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