Amazingly, little Anna Lake is four months old today. While her 4 month appointment at the pediatrician's isn't until the end of the month -- we got stuck in the back to school physical rush -- my guess is that she's probably right on par with where Lily was at 4 months...16 juicy pounds.
She's fat. She's happy. She'll smile at anyone and laugh without abandon when tickled in just the right spot. She's already rolling over; that happened a week ago after her first day in daycare. She's now grabbing for things and, right on cue, has started putting things in to her mouth (things other than her fingers, which she came in to the world sucking on).

To mark this monthly milestone, we cracked open her sassy seat; a gift from my partner in crime at work, Amy. Amy surprised me with this gift when I was a few months away from my due date. Bless her childless heart. She'd heard that some people have those "registry things" and decided to browse online in the event that I had one. She had NO idea what a sassy seat was but loved the name and sent it to me. To say that Anna loved it is an understatement. She hasn't quite mastered the art of the bounce, but she's a prodigy when it comes to drooling on all the attached accessories! Of course, she's got big sister extraordinaire right behind her, cheering her along.
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