Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Movin 'n Grovin

Even though the last few posts have been about Lily, the madam herself, sweet little Anna holds strong. And grows. Changing near daily. We're in the countdown until her first birthday. About which I'm in complete denial. Since she's nearing in on the anniversary of her birth, I suppose that it's only fitting that she's also coming close to walking. Close but no cigar. Without cheating that is. She's a machine when she's got her props!

She's also a machine when it comes to eating crayons. And predictable. I know that pregnant women who are anemic often eat dirt. Perhaps the crayon ingestion means that something is lacking in her diet. One thing that's not lacking, though, are hot dogs. I'm ashamed to admit that while Lily was probably two before she had her first, Anna's had more than her first. And she's not yet one. And boy does that baby MOAN with delight when she sees one in front of her! Not sure what it says about me as a mother that I feed my not-yet-one-year-old sticks o' beef -- at least they're Hebrew National!! Yes, we all answer to a higher power.

PS -- please pardon the annoying mommy soundtrack!


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