Monday, March 16, 2009

These Shoes Were Made For Walking

Although I'm still in denial that I am the mother of two children...and that my older child is practically driving a car and my younger one is -- GASP! -- about to turn did occur to me that Lily got her first pair of kicks at around this time. She went from toddling to running in about two seconds flat once she had a bit of support around her tootsies.

And since I'm determined that Anna will not suffer from second child syndrome, we decided to get her measured for her very own pair of shoes. Not hand-me-down shoes. New shoes.

So after a delicious brunch with my high school buddy, Jenn, and her son, Justin, we caravaned over to yuppie baby shoe hell...a store where mothers line up before they open and practically elbow each other out of the way to get to the head of the line first. Welcome to Washington, DC all!

Ironically, the pair that we walked away with (Robeez Trenz) is just a kicked up version of the Robeez "slippers" that she's worn to date. And even though the added support worked wonders for her big sister, Anna went from needing only one finger to hold on to while walking to a face-plant in my living room. She sounded like a poor stroke patient who was relearning how to walk...dragging one foot after another as she stumbled forward.

So these adorable kicks will have to "kick it" on top of her dresser for a few more weeks. Hopefully they'll still fit by the time that she's ready for them. Given my luck, though, I'm not taking bets on that one.


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