One week ago today, Lily entered a new phase that I am certain is age appropriate and developmentally right on schedule. All that being said, it's a difficult one marked by meltdowns, of the supreme variety, each and every day. At least once. Often twice or more. Sadly, she's also in the midst of night terrors, something else that I know can be normal...but it's still sad and totally frightening.
I was lamenting this on the phone yesterday with my dear friend/former roommate/bridesmaid/future in-law (hopefully, if I can get my way!) Meridith. I told her about the daily tantrums, the fits of screaming, the bouts of sobbing that poor Lily falls prey to more often than we'd prefer. While I was fully expecting Merri to dish back at me the phrase I so often use -- "this too shall pass" -- she did anything but pay lip service to the age old phrase we all learn in remedial parenting. And this is #847 on the list of reasons why I love my friend Meridith.
What Merri told me yesterday, parenthetically, is this -- Lily is a thoughtful, independent, articulate, confident, fun-loving, mature beyond her years free spirit with a passion for life. Her personality knows no bounds, her love is endless, and her lisp just makes her even more irresistible (I promised Merri that we'd never put her in speech therapy...I SO love that her "r"s are "w"s and she's got a drawl unlike any other I've heard).
(BTW, I know that we all think this about our own children, but to have another person say it, out loud, made my heart start beating with pride and love and it hasn't stopped since.)
But with all that poise and risk-taking comes someone who needs to test boundaries, someone who needs to feel in control, someone who needs to approach life on her own terms. Merri then assured me that my patience won't expire before Lily's does. That we'll all get through this. And that I will learn to parent this little person who is taking Noah and me for a ride beyond the confines of any of the typical parenting books available at our local Barnes & Noble.
I really do love Merri for her empathy and for being as enamored with Lily as am I. I have a feeling, though, that Lily must have cast a spell on Merri with her after dinner rendition of "My Name is Joe" Saturday night. Although not quite the same, here is Lily with an encore performance for your viewing pleasure (pardon the hiccups!).
And, since I cannot resist showing off my absolute favorite picture ever, here is a shot of Lily with Merri's kind-hearted, absolutely brilliant, inquisitive, silly, thoughtful and loving little boy, Jackson.

Lily @ 3.5 months, Jack @ 1.5 months

Lily and Jack today. Bless his heart, he'll even play dress-up with her!