Today Anna is 16 weeks old. Tomorrow I go back to work. I know that this is the right decision for both me personally and for my family, but that doesn't make it any easier for this uber-emotional-strung-out-on-hormones mamma. Not only do I have to say good-bye to the priceless one-on-one time that I've been sharing with Anna, but I now have to learn how to juggle life as a full time working mother of TWO.
Groceries by delivery? Drive-through dry cleaning? Prescriptions by mail? Here we come.
We all have taken full advantage of my final days, packing in tons of fun activities and visits with family and friends.
Enjoy the pictures. I'll be sneaking more than a few peaks at them come Friday...
Homecoming for our newest cousin, Caroline, and cookie decorating with her big sister, Camilla

A last minute/wonderful surprise visit from our New Hampshire friends, "baby Katie" and her new brother, Andrew (and my favorite Aussie travel buddy, their mommy Ellen)

Final Swim Class with Jackson
(yes, they are really, really swimming!)

A Magical Princess Ballet Birthday for Lily's beloved friend Tahlia

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