Thanks to our generous hosts -- my uncle John and cousin Gail (and their families!!) -- Noah, Lily, Anna and I rounded out our holiday weekend with a fantastic trip to Rehoboth Beach, DE. Not even the daily afternoon rain storms extinguished the fun.

Highlights include (in no particular order):
- Ocean, ocean and more ocean...complete with DOLPHINS!
- Sand, sand and more sand (I'm still finding sand falling out of the diaper bag, along with a particularly scary looking spider I must have picked up along the beach somewhere)
- Great fun, and good late-night visits with extended family
- The YUMMY cherry pie we made from the tart cherries we picked on the 4th
- Watching Lily play with her twin cousins
- Watching Anna smile up at anyone and everyone who held her...and she definitely was passed around (I think she especially bonded with Pete!)
- GUITAR HERO -- completely obsessed at this point!!
- Wii Fit -- oh how we're hooked!
- No traffic on the trip to the beach
- Insanely good peaches and tomatoes that we bought from a roadside stand on the way home
Lily with cousin Katie
Lily and Katie -- running from the waves!
Lily burying Julian -- no many how many times they did this, it never got old (got to love young imaginations!)
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