Now that I've had three months to consider it, I've come to the conclusion that Anna looks nothing like Lily. And by nothing I mean nothing. Sure they share the same chin. And their lips may be similar. Both have blue eyes, although the shapes of their eyes differ. I think that the similarities end there.
It still shocks me that they are so different. For some totally bizarro reason, I thought that because I was having another girl she'd be a carbon copy of Lily. Sisters, yes. Replica, not at all. As far as temperaments go, they're night and day.

Lily at 3 months
Lily was fair -- blondish hair with lots of red in it. Anna couldn't get much darker.
Lily was a sucker; she loved anything and everything that you put in her mouth. Anna's a gager (is that a word? should be for all the gagging that I've seen in the last 3 months) although she's finally taking a bottle without protesting...and she will even choke down 5 ounces of formula each night before bed.
Lily LOVED (cannot emphasize that word enough) her pacifier. Anna will take one...sort of...but she doesn't care for it that much. She, on the other hand, is a finger gal. One finger, two fingers, or even a thumb. She's happy slurping away with her digits in her mouth.
Lily was a screamer. I think that even our neighbors could attest to that fact. Anna sticks out her lower lip and whimpers. Actually, it's quite cute. Lily had extreme moods -- from supremely happy to beyond pissed off. Anna's my mellow yellow.

Anna at 3 months, 2 days
So for those of you who emailed me early on after this post, you were right. The jury is finally back and the verdict is in. As far as looks go, each sports her own. Now I can't wait to see what kind of a person Anna will grow to be. Hopefully she'll get Lily's sense of humor and bottomless heart!
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