Monday, November 3, 2008


For those of you who didn't take advantage of early voting, please remember to VOTE tomorrow. If you have already VOTED and you're able to volunteer, please help get out the VOTE. Republicans have an amazing track record for getting people to the polls. To VOTE. That's what turned the tides with the last election. We can't let our country down. G.O.T.V.!

VOTING is a right and a responsibility. One to be taken seriously. Just ask Noah. I'm not sure that he was a regular VOTER before he met me. But he hasn't missed an election since!

Seriously, people, take part in history. VOTE!!

And if you are sick of listening to me, listen to Truett!

Tomorrow will be one for the record books. Keep the faith!! But just remember to pee before getting in line...they may be wicked long tomorrow.

PS -- if you go in to any participating Starbucks tomorrow and tell them that you VOTED, you'll get a tall drip on the house.* Free! Gratis!

* Limit one per person. Good while supplies last (um, nice try Mr. Legal Disclaimer Guy....the day a Starbucks runs out of brewed coffee is the day that, well, McCain gets elected President and pigs fly). Void where prohibited by law.


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