Wednesday, November 12, 2008

¿Hablas español?

Well, do you? Sadly I don't. Speak Spanish. But I got a nice email from the Univision reporter who included me in her article about breastmilk and baking. The article is done and live on the site! Click here to check it out.

In fact, the reporter wrapped up the lengthy article with my quote:

Courtney Fox es una profesional, residente en Arlington y madre de dos hijas a quienes ha amamantado. "Aunque estoy a favor de darles pecho a mis bebés, la idea (ceder su leche a adultos) me asusta y la encuentro completamenteimproductiva. Pregúntenle a cualquiera que haya amamantado, especialmente si trabajan fuera de casa y les dirán que apenas pueden cumplir con la demanda".

The irony is that the article was published just as I started to wean Anna. Not that the weaning was premeditated. In fact, quite to the contrary, I had every intention of nursing her for at least as long as I nursed Lily. But Anna doesn't seem all that interested in me anymore. And my supply doesn't seem all that interested in sticking around anymore. So it just sort of started happening. The weaning that is.

I'm certainly torn over this one. I feel that what I provided for one child I should certainly provide for the other. And while the American Academy of Pediatrics does recommend mother's milk for at least 12 months, the reality is that most babies get far, far less than that. My pediatrician told me that everything beyond 4 months of age is perhaps I should take comfort in the fact that I gave Anna a good 3 months worth of the proverbial icing on the cake.

But, of course, we mothers are fantastic when it comes to guilt trips. And self-punishment. So, for the time being, Anna and I are maintaining our morning nursing sessions. Although what, if anything, she's getting is likely negligible. But I just can't quite let it go. Yet.

Hopefully the day won't come when, in a fit of sibling sparring, Lily turns to Anna and declares that I loved her more because she got 2 extra months at the breast. If it does, it'll just get added to the long list of things that I'm sure Noah and I do, knowingly or not, to screw our kids up. Add those counselling session bills to my tab!

Secretly, I'm looking forward to returning to my non-nursing bras. Not that these 1950's style milk machine slings aren't sexy. I mean, they do have front AND rear entry available. What's not sexy about that!?!


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