Tuesday, November 25, 2008

She's on the move (sort of)!

Leave it to Anna to come up with a completely unique way of moving. She's not crawling on her hands and knees. She's not shimmying on her belly. She's scooting. On her tush. But she's actually getting places. Slowly. V-E-R-Y slowly. Which is the perfect speed in my book!

Yes, my baby is on the move. Which, I guess, means that she's less and less of a baby each day. She sits up at the table with us. She eats cheerios. She's got two teeth. She laughs at Lily's jokes. She's already developed a love for Barbies. And, of course, if she spies something across the room, she's figured out a way to go get it.

But her little head still fits in the crook of my neck, and I can still quiet her cries almost instantly with my hugs. So even though her legs fall over the arm rest of the glider when I rock her at night, I'm happy to say that she's still my baby! At least for the time being.


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