Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another New Year

For those of us who are Jewish, today marks a new year. The year 5769 to be exact. We had a nice Rosh Hashanah dinner at my mom's house last night, complete with the youngest (Caroline and Anna) and oldest (Uncle David) members of the family.

Today, in an attempt at a little religious education, we took the kids to the tot service at Temple Micah. Between the cacophony of kids crying, talking and grabbing at each others stuffed Torahs, I think that Lily sort of got the idea behind the holiday. At least I hope so. She did get some apples and honey after the service was over, so in her book temple (or Shirley Temple as she called it all day) was a grand success.

For those of us who are concerned citizens, today also marked what I hope is a new beginning. The year of CHANGE to be exact. Since Virginia is one of the few states that allows early voting, we took advantage of being off of work and school and cast our ballots. Lily proudly announced, when I turned over my absentee application, that we were going to vote for "A-rock Obama!" After she asked, for the hundredth time, why we couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton. The polling station employees weren't amused and gave me one of "those looks." You know the one...

I fear she thought it slightly anti-climatic (no bells, whistles or prizes...just a silent voting machine). I, on the other hand, thought it was mind blowing that, in this historical election, my first born was able to submit my vote for the first African American Presidential candidate. It did me proud. Anna cooed and drooled from the sidelines.

So on this Rosh Hashanah eve, let me say how grateful I am for all the blessings in my life. And there are many. And let me close my eyes, cross my fingers, and say a little prayer that the year 5769 is one that blesses us all. Starting on November 4th.


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