Thursday, September 18, 2008


Growing up in Washington, DC, I don't think that one can help being political. Of course, having a parent who is a former political appointee in the Clinton/Gore administration doesn't help. And, if you know me, I'm not exactly the shy and retiring type. I have a hard time keeping my opinions to myself. And the McCain/Palin ticket hasn't helped in the least; I want to scream!

Lily has been asking a ton of questions lately. Questions about Bush. Questions about Palin (the Saturday Night Live skit prompted those...lord was that funny). Questions about Hillary Clinton and "A-rock" Obama. Perhaps the fact that we've temporarily abandoned kiddie tunes in the car in favor of NPR has something to do with it. She actually was more interested in the Today Show this morning than PBS Kids Sprout.

I love her curiosity though. I'm pretty confident that she knows more about the election than most other kids her age. Perhaps her interest in politics of late is an early precursor of her future profession? She does want to be famous...

Noah and I have restrained ourselves a bit when answering her questions, but we've been honest with Lily. And I SWEAR that she came to these conclusions on her own. She put two and two together and decided that "George Bush hasn't made this a good place for us to live" and "we can't live here anymore."

Little does she know that we will be packing our bags and heading for our neighbor to the north (O Canada!) if the election doesn't go as we hope it will. As our country needs it to. I've been wanting a pair of Uugs and a new winter coat...perhaps this year I'll have a reason to buy them. I hope not.


Mommy's Time Out said...

that is awesome!!! future pres of the u.s. of a :)

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