With the momentum coming off of the Democratic convention in Denver...and all the buzz surrounding McCain's veep pick of Sarah Palin...I couldn't help but turn to my younger and less jaded daughter for her opinions.
"So Anna, what do you think about the news coming out of Minneapolis right now?"

"As a girl, what do you think about McCain's selection of this 'experienced' woman to be his running mate?"

(notice the middle finger...)
"So you're not a big fan of the moose eating, gun toting, hockey mom from Alaska?"

(she spit up about 2 seconds after this picture was taken)
"What's that you say, Anna? They need a real maverick to shake up Washington? Who could that be??"


BTW, can you believe that this is the same baby? Anna was only 3 weeks old when she announced her party affiliation to the world!

Seriously though, if you were remotely fooled by last night's speech...a speech that was written a week ago with a few [fill in candidate's name here] blanks...by one of George Bush's speechwriters...please read this article by Gloria Steinem. And for those who need a little reminder of the facts, well, let's let the Associated Press do the talking (so that my blood pressure remains remotely close to normal...don't even get me started!).
And I don't just dislike Sarah Palin because we're both almost 5 months post partum and she looks wwwaaaayyyyyy better than I do. Shame, though, that she and her husband have it in for their sons. I mean, what's up with the names??
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